Title: BIRTH
Genre: Drama
Running time: 101'
Language(s): Spanish
Status: Completed
Year: 2024
Director(s): Pau Teixidor
Screenplay: Pau Teixidor, Lorena Iglesias
Producer(s): Pedro Hernández Santos
Cast: Sofía Milán, María Vazquez, Celia Lopera


Spain, 1982. Marisa decides to take her daughter to Madrid to find a solution for an unwanted pregnancy. Lucia ends up in Peñagrande, a reformatory for pregnant teenagers. There, she will forge strong friendships with the other girls and discover the awful truth that her still unborn child is to be taken away from her.


4th Mar 2024 - By Emiliano de Pablos (Variety)

Filmax Snags Pau Teixidor Feature ‘Birth,’ From ‘Life and Nothing More’ Producer Aquí y Allí Films (EXCLUSIVE)... (Read more)


Spain, 1982. Marisa decides to take her daughter to Madrid to find a solution for an unwanted pregnancy. Lucia ends up in Peñagrande, a reformatory for pregnant teenagers. There, she will forge strong friendships with the other girls and discover the awful truth that her still unborn child is to be taken away from her.


4th Mar 2024 - By Emiliano de Pablos (Variety)

Filmax Snags Pau Teixidor Feature ‘Birth,’ From ‘Life and Nothing More’ Producer Aquí y Allí Films (EXCLUSIVE)... (Read more)
